• contactus@globalhospitalvijayawada.com
  • +91-9441271155, +91-9440684166



A procedure in which the surgeon will remove the damaged cartilage and bone and then replace it with a new metal and plastic joint surface to restore the alignment and painless functioning of your joints.


The Knee Joint is among the strongest, largest and most complex joints of the body. During leg movements, you depend on it for support and mobility. when the knee joint becomes painful, its mobility is reduced and performing daily activities of living becomes difficult.

If non-surgical treatments are ineffective, total knee replacement surgery can be considered as a safe and effective procedure to relieve pain and help you resume near normal activities. It also helps to correct the deformity. The results of knee replacement are predictable and long-lasting. Also because of the developments in anaesthesia, pain control and physiotherapy, one can resume back to near normal routine activities fairly soon after the surgery.


In a total hip replacement surgery, the painful parts of the damaged hip are replaced with artificial hip parts called prosthesis, a device that substitutes a joint. The prosthesis consists of metal components: a socket, ball, and stem. The outer shell of the socket is usually made of metal and the inner shell consists of plastic, or ceramic: or the entire socket may be plastic. Patients suffering from a variety of hip disorders are regularly treated at us. Special importance is given to thorough analysis, treatment procedure, and use of sophisticated medical equipment.

Total Joint replacement is an elective operation. The decision to have the operation is not made by the doctor, it is made by you. The doctor may recommend the operation, but your decision must be based on the problems faced by you versus the benefit you are going to get after surgery

An artificial joint can last for 15 plus or minus 5 years or even longer. However, the life span is affected by the weight of the person and by his activities. An overweight person or a person actively involved in high exertional activities can wear out the artificial joint quicker than a thin or a more sedentary person.

A person with diabetes, hypertension or heart conditions can undergo surgery with appropriate control before surgery.Generally patients have to spend maximum 3 to 5 days in the hospital after replacement surgery. Full recovery takes about 3 to 6 months; however, it depends on the type of surgery, your overall health, and your own participation in the success of your Ehabilitation.



Back pain is the most common reason people self-treat and seek medical advice. It is studied to affect approximately three in four individuals during their lifetime. When we talk about back pain we mean pain that originates in the spine anywhere between the upper and lower back.

Treatment for back pain varies from medicines, physiotherapy, spinal injections to surgery. Majority of the patients get benefitted with non operative treatment. Only a few of them require surgery.

We offer a wide range of treatment varying from state of art physio, ergonomics training, postural correction and , pain management to a complete surgical solutions in all areas of spine.


Back or neck pain pain that travels into leg or arms respectively. It considered as radicular pain, especially when it is radiating below the knee and elbow. This suggests compression of a nerve which leads to condition called sciatica in leg and brachialgia in arms

It is common for back pain to be associated with symptoms, as tingling and numbness sensations, weakness, stiffness and occasionally involvement of bowel and bladder sensation which is known as cauda equina syndrome. It is an emergency in spine where the pinched nerve roots have to be freed immediately.

Geriartic trauma : 

Due to advances in health care there is an increase in average life expectency thereby there is increase in population of geriatric age group. They are often suffering from disorders affecting multiple systems like diabetes and hypertension. They have delayed neurological reflexes resulting in falls and frequently sustaining fractures due to underlying osteoporosis and sarcopenia..

  We provide expertise in treating various fractures sustained with special emphasis on physiotherapy so that patients' freedom of mobility is quickly restored.


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